September 13 is "National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day." A little backstory about me, I grew up in South Georgia; this is an important observation because it proves that I was surrounded by food. Literally, all the time! Southern...
I love football season; the games are good and the snacks are great. I'm sharing my Top Five easy football snacks (in no particular order). Game On! Homemade Salsa My husband’s salsa is more of a pico de gallo, it is...
It was five years or so ago, in the pre-children carefree days of marriage. The husband and I were out and about on a Sunday Funday running errands before lunch and a midday cocktail. "Turn here," I commanded as we...
Shortly after getting married, my now ex-husband and I enthusiastically purchased our first home. Like many other young newlyweds, we bought what we referred to as our “starter” house. It was just the right size (in realtor terms: cute...
We know that children need time running around the playground or engaged in free play; it’s essential for their well-being and development. But then we get older, and suddenly, our focus is shifted to “adulting” and all the responsibilities...
My sister and I have not always been close, mostly because there was a 16-year age gap between us. My brother and I are 15 months apart. That was . . . interesting. For the first few years, I...
One of my favorite things in the world is seeing someone’s dreams come true. American Idol's finale and the confetti bombs, tears, and performances get me every time. The final bows of the halftime performers at the Super Bowl...
Most of my social media and PMC posts are food-related. Yes, I love to cook, and I also love to eat! Most of the pictures you see @frommykitchentotheworld are actually of my husband’s dinner plate. I am a firm...
I am an only child, but my dad is one of four, and my mom is one of three. Growing up, I lived within an hour of all my aunts, uncles, and cousins. With no brothers or sisters of my...
When I was on maternity leave with my first daughter, I quickly realized I needed a project to keep me sane. Luckily my family had recently purchased a rental property that needed an overhaul. I spent every free second...



In + Around Pensacola

Guide to Fish Fry Fridays in Pensacola

Thank COD, it’s Friday! As Mardi Gras fades away along with our last bite of King Cake, the arrival of Ash Wednesday signals the beginning...

Pensacola Date Night Guide