It was five years or so ago, in the pre-children carefree days of marriage. The husband and I were out and about on a Sunday Funday running errands before lunch and a midday cocktail.
“Turn here,” I commanded as we pulled out of Home Goods. A pet adoption sign sat outside Pet Smart, and we had been having the circular “are we ready” conversation on the topic for months. Do we have the time? Can we commit to training and exercising a dog? Should we wait until after this, that and the other? Being part of the “furever family” school of thought, we knew once we adopted, this dog would be a long-haul commitment.
Brian obliged. But after lots of behind-the-ear scratches, we did not get that “this is the one” feeling that day. Before leaving, we perused the organization’s adoptable dog binder, which included many rescues who were not present at the event.
A small blonde thing wrapped in a blue and green blanket slowed down my page-turning. A puppy who had been rescued from the side of a road, collected in that very blanket, stared at me from the photograph with his big brown eyes.
Thirty minutes later, we were sitting at Pensacola Bay Brewery, coming to the conclusion that we would think it over and possibly reach out to the rescue. Brian got up to grab our Riptide Ambers, and upon his return, I had already submitted an application on my phone to adopt this pink-nosed pup.
A week or so later, we met up with Apollo and his foster mom. It was love at first sight. The rest is history. We have SouthBARK to thank for uniting us with the one we call our firstborn.

Things to Know About Adoption
- It is important to be sure. To adopt a dog and then return it is unfair and devastating to that dog. We knew that our dog was for the long haul, even once we had children. Our dog and Jake are two peas in a pod. The account @dogmeets_baby on Instagram can help you prepare for merging human and fur babies.
Our son and dog are best friends. - Don’t let certain health or cosmetic issues scare you off. Before joining us, Apollo had patchy fur from mange, slight liver count issues, and intestinal worms. These were all things that were easily fixed with our wonderful vet and some TLC. These canines just need proper care and a chance.
- Be patient – most adoptable dogs come from a previously unstable situation. It is important to show them grace as they learn to be comfortable in your home and as they train. Potty and obedience training is a work in progress – don’t give up on them.
Local Rescue Organizations
- SouthBARK – A non-profit, all-breed rescue that saves, rehabilitates and finds homes for dogs from kill shelters in the area. They operate using fosters to care for their adoptable dogs. This is a great option also for those looking to either foster or foster-to-adopt.
- Escambia County Animal Shelter – A facility that works toward reuniting lost dogs with their owners, as well as matching dogs in need with loving owners.
- Pensacola Humane Society– A no-kill shelter that aims to provide animals with care as they work towards finding them forever homes.
- Hotel for Dogs and Cats– An all-volunteer non-profit rescue and adoption organization
- Phoenix Rising Rescue– A non-profit rescue organization that is foster-based. Focuses primarily on rescuing and rehoming bully breeds and educating the public against misinformation about these breeds.