Summer is in full swing, and hopefully, you are finding time to relax by the pool or along our beautiful coasts. I have rounded up a few of my favorite essentials to have alongside the water. Shoes These no-fuss slides are...
Are you ready to take full control of your life? Raise your hand if, since 2021 rolled around, you’ve challenged yourself to #DryJanuary, fitness goals, diets, etc. How loyal have you been to any of these? Summer is here and...
Beach days are my favorite days. For me, they rival Disney trips in the suck-you-in-with-lots-of-preparation-but-the-family-time-is-worth-it kind of way. I still have the fondest memories of family beach vacations to Corpus Christi, Texas filled with boogie boarding and beach balls,...
Green thumb or not,  herb gardens are the easiest way to bring your kitchen, your yard, or your porch to life.
Okay, let’s be honest. If you don’t have a load of laundry in your dryer going for the 5th cycle or a basket full of clean laundry, you probably can skip this article. But. If you’re like 99% of moms...
If it happened, it has relevance. It’s part of family history and holds deep value in understanding the here and now. If you have not lived it yourself, can you truly understand? At best, you can listen and try....
What are my favorite things? As I asked myself this, my first thought went to a dominating topic: a good meal. Then as I narrowed my favorite meals down, I found a very specific theme- our amazing Pensacolian Culinary...
There it was, right in the middle of my Facebook feed: my childhood home. To be fair, it's not as though my parents decided to sell the house I grew up in without telling me. In fact, they bought their...
While exchanging messages and ideas with my fellow PMC contributing writers I was asked if I could write a post about easy-to-freeze meals. My cooking is more about quick and fresh recipes rather than time-consuming weekly meal prep. BUT,...
I am forever thankful for the acts of service and sacrifices the men and women of the armed forces make for you, and for me. I am also grateful for the families who hold down the fort and support...



In + Around Pensacola

Guide to Fish Fry Fridays in Pensacola

Thank COD, it’s Friday! As Mardi Gras fades away along with our last bite of King Cake, the arrival of Ash Wednesday signals the beginning...

Pensacola Date Night Guide