Emily Spess

Emily Spess
Emily is an import to Pensacola, hailing originally from the Mitten State. She is a lawyer, Army wife, and mom to two wild boys. Her favorite things include good coffee, children’s books, photography, rainy days, and playing in her kitchen. She reads cookbooks for fun and loves a good podcast. Her happy places are the library and the woods. Emily has lived in five countries, five states, and the District of Columbia. She has traveled around the world (literally), has crossed the U.S. while living out of an RV (twice!), and believes strongly in educating children through travel.

Why This Airbnb Mom Loves Dollywood’s Resorts

Traveling with kids? It's kind of my thing. I've been all over the world with little ones in tow and have some STRONG opinions about accommodations. 90% of the time, that preference is going to...

Top 10 Reasons to Plan a Family Vacation to Dollywood

Well, mamas, we're in the home stretch of the school year, and like many of you, my attentions are shifting to mapping out what my family's summer will look like. As a working mom,...
scout in front of tent looking through binoculars

A Mother’s Summer Camp Prayer

Lord, as You know, I sent my firstborn off to his first week of honest-to-goodness sleep-away summer camp this morning, and You can rest assured I hugged him like I was sending him off...

Grown Ups Need Easter Baskets, Too!

It has recently come to my attention that a number of people think that Easter baskets are something people eventually age out of, like trick-or-treating at Halloween. Well, I am here today to emphatically...

Children’s Music Artists

There are plenty of milestones our kids reach that we're well prepared for: the first steps, the first words, the first days of school. And then there are the milestones that may catch us...

The Travel Toy Box

21 countries, 41 states, and the District of Columbia. That's how many places I have traveled with my oldest son in his ten years on this planet. His younger brother's numbers are slightly lower...

Pictures of Home

There it was, right in the middle of my Facebook feed: my childhood home. To be fair, it's not as though my parents decided to sell the house I grew up in without telling me....

Pediatric Nutrition Bites with Calee Taylor

"Mac and cheese, cannoli, jelly and nut butter sandwiches, ice cream, cereal, and McDonald's. Oh, and anything with Chick-fil-A sauce!" That was my kindergartener's response when I asked him to list his favorite foods. Proud...
bedtime book club

Bedtime Book Club

Mamas, have you heard? The Pensacola Mom Collective has a book club, and it's open to all of YOU! This was very exciting news for me because, despite my long-standing affinity for books, I have...
Family photo album

Organizing Your Memories With Family Yearbooks

Aaaaah, January! My favorite month of the year! The month of fewer commitments, fresh starts, resolutions, and organization! While I'm probably not the person to turn to for advice on how to lose 20 pounds...