Aging gracefully…Psshhh, yeah right! Remember that cheer at the football game way back when from the squad? Cheerleading, pep…whatever it was at your school. I was never one of those called to that specific task but I did love school...
As a mom of two young boys under the age of six and a middle school teacher, I have needed to use effective communication with my children and students. Recently, I witnessed positive behavior changes related to how I...
Is anyone else ready for Spring? I know I am. Along with warmer weather, longer days, and more time outside in general, I also love to have a clean, fresh home ready for Spring, and it's the main reason...
Do you ever find yourself in that parent trap? This is the trap we often find ourselves in where our children constantly ask us, "what can I do?" Our world is filled with instant gratification. We can "binge-watch" our...
"Grab a tissue and wipe your face," I said to my youngest daughter while sitting in the morning car line. She was crying. The drama began a few minutes earlier when I styled her hair. She wanted her usual pigtails....
As a divorce lawyer, I get phone calls and referrals straight to my office from people I don’t know. But, most often, the first time I have contact with someone in the middle of marital discord is through a...
"From an early age, books were my constant companions and my local library a place I could find a new friend on every shelf." --Sarah Jessica Parker I cannot recall a time when I did not enjoy reading. My mom introduced...

Losing the Weight

I can barely carry myself. I’ve been on my feet for hours at work, sagging under the stress. My new silhouette makes me off balance; the drop of a pen could send me. I’m eight months pregnant and endure...
“It doesn’t matter what you look at; it’s what you see.” - Henry David THoreau This quote resounded with me throughout the thematic development of Qian Julie Wang's Beautiful County -our PMC Book Club January pick. When you look at...
Before I go into the store with my children, I put on some lip gloss, take a deep breath, and say a prayer. Most would think I do this because I am worried about my children's behavior in public....



In + Around Pensacola

A Mom’s Guide to Blue Angels Practice Shows

Along with our friends at Ace Unlocks of Pensacola, we are excited to bring you our Mom's Guide to Blue Angels Practice Shows! Ace Unlocks...