Tag: kids

The Power of Praise

As a mom of two young boys under the age of six and a middle school teacher, I have needed to use effective communication...

Spring Cleaning with Kids: Age-Appropriate Tasks

Is anyone else ready for Spring? I know I am. Along with warmer weather, longer days, and more time outside in general, I also...

Figure It Out

Do you ever find yourself in that parent trap? This is the trap we often find ourselves in where our children constantly ask us,...

We Quit: The Great and Glorious Middle-Aged Mom Give-Up

Let me set the scene. You just paid $139 for a movie ticket and $876,000 on popcorn and Coke. No one told you? It’s...

Hang On, Mom Zombies

Mom conference! What are we doing? More specifically, what am I doing? Who am I? I don’t even know what my purpose is anymore. What month...

Boy Mom: Burps, Farts, Hugs, and Kisses

It's 6:30 am, and I am halfway done with my first cup of coffee. As I stand in the kitchen putting together breakfast, lunches,...

Motherhood: A Quick Perspective

I’m tired. Aren’t you? Some are talking about Covid fatigue. I believe it. But this is something else. The usual mom fatigue. Though, I suppose...

The Old Me

Have you ever looked in the mirror and not fully recognized the person looking back at you? Have you ever looked at yourself and...

Children’s Music Artists

There are plenty of milestones our kids reach that we're well prepared for: the first steps, the first words, the first days of school....

Glass Half Full?

My second-grade daughter had a spelling test recently. I asked her how it went, and she replied (very confidently), “Mom, the important thing is...