Taco Tuesday!

It’s Taco Tuesday! Hi Friends! Remember my post about Bean Stew? Well, here is the best way to use your leftovers. It’s all about TACOS! What I love most about Taco Tuesday is that it is a healthy meal where you...
Over the summer, we began making COVID-19 decisions about school. We then made more decisions about our kids participating in extracurriculars, sending college-aged kids off to the dorms. College football was even starting to make announcements regarding playing football...
This easy Halloween craft is fun for toddlers and can be done in an hour! If you are anything like me, I TRY to be crafty and embrace DIYs. However, most of the time they are time consuming and...
People say my oldest daughter looks just like me. She and I also share sports interests and very similar personalities. At times the personality similarities can be a bit self-reflecting. Of course, these mirror moments are usually not at...
Taking back your health as a mom is easier than you think. Sometimes, after having babies, adopting, fostering, or just being the caregiver to someone else, part of us slips away. A little piece of ourselves is replaced by...
Preparing for the delivery, a hospital stay, and baby's new arrival is daunting, but I am here to help simplify your hospital bag essential checklist from what to pack for you and baby and a bit of what to...
Those of us in the South get an extended (HOT) summer, so we look forward to fall every year. The cool weather, the autumn celebrations, all things pumpkin, football, our gorgeous Florida sunsets, and of course, being outside without sweating! To...
There has been much discussion about sending the little ones off to school, but how about those mommas who are sending their babies off to college?! Let's hear it for the mommas in the back - the ones who have...
Happy National Read-a-Book Day! Did you know that September 6th is National Read-a-Book Day? Let's talk about all things reading and books! A Little About My Love for Reading I have always loved books and reading since before I could actually read....
When I was pregnant, I channeled my inner honor roll student and read numerous books, researched multiple websites, consulted friends and family for advice, and yet from the moment the three of us left the hospital the shock was...



In + Around Pensacola

Guide to Fish Fry Fridays in Pensacola

Thank COD, it’s Friday! As Mardi Gras fades away along with our last bite of King Cake, the arrival of Ash Wednesday signals the beginning...

Pensacola Date Night Guide