Stillbirth has to be one of the hardest things I've ever gone through in my life. There is no heartbeat. One of the worst phrases you can hear in life. It was April 11, 2017. I had been having back pains...
The giant wave lifted our bodies upon its crest, and in slow motion, the four of us slid between it and the next one.  “Mom, I’m going to let go.” “No, don’t! I’ve got you! We can do this! Hold on...

The New Kids Need You

At the start of every new school year, we scurry around trying to make sure that our children are prepared for school. New school clothes? Check. School supplies? Check. School physicals and immunizations? Check. Our family's checklist also involves...
Do you know what the sound of stress sounds like? It goes something like this- “I’m sorry, but we are letting you go.” Or “There has been a change in the organization…” OR “Due to COVID-19, your position is...
Many of us are familiar with a gratitude journal — the notion of writing down reasons to be thankful on a daily, weekly, monthly, or annual basis. I first learned about it when my mom began keeping one when...

Running On Empty

I see you. The one struggling with Mom Fatigue. Burnout. Your tank on empty. Motherhood can be characterized in many ways. Exhausting is one of them. Want to know why you are tired? Because you are a mom. Physical Exhaustion is...
When Dan and I married six years ago, I was blessed to gain an instant family by joining him, his eight-year-old son, and his seven-year-old dog. A Weimaraner named Lucy.   Together, and with the combination of our co-adopted Golden...
October is Estate Planning Awareness Month, and we are pleased to feature Joe Boyles of Boyles & Boyles, P.L.L.C. who is sharing some important tips regarding estate planning essentials for families. Preparing a Will For many young parents, getting a will...
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) impacts a person’s ability to focus, control emotions, and control impulsive behavior. Check, check, and check. My son, almost eight years old, was given this diagnosis when he was six years old. Many factors led us to the...
Meal time used to be a walk in the park in our house. I mean, my child even enjoyed broccoli. Then he turned two. For the past sixth months, he has not even picked up a vegetable in its pure...



In + Around Pensacola

A Mom’s Guide to Blue Angels Practice Shows

Along with our friends at Ace Unlocks of Pensacola, we are excited to bring you our Mom's Guide to Blue Angels Practice Shows! Ace Unlocks...