Hannah Domoslay-Paul

Hannah Domoslay-Paul
Hannah was born and raised in West Michigan and moved to Pensacola in 2015 with her oldest four boys after being widowed. Now remarried and with two more lovely children added to the family, a girl and a boy, she spends her days trying to keep it together, usually with duct tape and ingenuity. During her daily hours spent serving as a taxi driver she often muses about how lost the world would be without moms and wonders if she’ll ever go a week without playing a game of “What’s That Smell” around her house and car. Hannah is an adult with ADHD, the daughter of an alcoholic, and the survivor of child abuse who doesn’t have too many off-limits topics. She is a lover of books, sarcastic humor, and old houses, and all three come in handy as she constantly works on projects in and around her 1866 Folk Victorian.

More Life, Less Stuff: 5 Tips For Getting Organized and Clearing the Clutter

I honestly can’t count the number of times I have tried and failed to add up the hours I’ve spent cleaning, organizing, and purging stuff from our house, but it is likely in the...
young boy in a superhero costume, striking a triumphant pose with a wide grin

Go Be Awesome, But Also Kind and Strong

Teaching Your Kids to Be the Bigger Person Without Being a Pushover Teaching children important life skills is a vital aspect of parenting. One crucial skill is learning to be the bigger person in difficult...
Medical supplies used for cervical cancer screening and Pap smear, including a clipboard.

New Year, New… Pap Smear?

January is the National Cervical Health Awareness month. Cervical cancer screening is like wearing a seatbelt – it might feel unnecessary until it saves your life. Getting checked for cervical cancer is crucial for women's...

The Joy of Great Grandparents

The experience of having great-grandparents while growing up is truly a miraculous thing. The wisdom, stories, and memories they impart are invaluable and contribute a wealth of information on family history. Great-grandparents provide a...
A steering wheel of a car with 8 different post-it notes listing various errands and things for a mom to remember.

The Invisible Mental Load of Mothers

Navigating the Physical and Emotional Labor of Mothering Motherhood is romanticized and celebrated, and rightfully so, as it encompasses immeasurable love, care, and nurturing. However, a profoundly burdensome aspect of motherhood is often beneath this...

What Your Child Can Learn From Playing Flag Football

Every journey begins somewhere, and for most parents or guardians whose children start playing football, the beginning of their journey usually includes a couple of seasons of flag or youth football. The community built in...

It’s Game Time! Tips for Surviving the Fall Sports Season

Oh, fall in Florida. For many of us, as parents, that means a bevy of soccer, baseball, or football practices and games. There are hours spent driving back and forth, weekends seemingly spent at...

The Struggle of Being a Doer

Living a balanced life while in service to others. "Hello, my name is Hannah, and I'm a doer." I've often imagined an AA-type support group for people, like myself, who live their lives as chronic...

Having the Alcohol Conversation with Tweens and Teens

Did you know that it’s recommended a parent starts talking with their child about alcohol and underage drinking at age 9? Talking to my tweens and teens about alcohol is pretty high on my to-do...