Spice Up Your Life!

Dear Mom on the Run:

I see you, I hear you, I understand you, and I KNOW the kids are always hungry! 

Dinner time rolls around, and you realize that no “bibidi babidi boom” is going to put food on your table. Sure, you can throw a frozen pizza in the oven (which takes 25 minutes altogether), or order take out, which takes longer than preparing a meal…

BUT there are endless things that you can add to those or that would only take you 30 minutes and they are not just pasta and pre-made pesto. Yet, if that’s all that’s left in you, take 2 minutes to SPICE things up in the kitchen! 

When I began writing this post, I thought I would focus on a few ‘easy way out’ recipes, but I’ve decided to talk more about spices and pantry items that will enhance everything from your sautéed fresh tomatoes to your store-bought marinara sauce. In a future post, I’ll give you my detailed tips and recipes. For now, let’s gather our supplies! 

The BEAUTY of SPICES: Saffron, Cumin, Red Pepper Flakes, Paprika, Adobo, Sazón, Chili, Black Pepper, Sea Salt, Curry, Achiote seeds, Cardamom

Our country is a melting pot of cultures, and believe it or not, it’s reflected in your ‘foodie’ train of thought.

When you are scrolling through your imaginary meal choices, I am sure these are a few options that come across: Chinese, Pizza, Pasta, Chicken, Burgers, Fish , Steak, tacos, casseroles, soup, etc.

These options are more diverse than you think! Start by figuring out which country each is from (great intellectual icebreaker for the dinner table). For example, Argentinians and Brazilians are well known for their steaks, and all they use is rock salt & pepper and grill it to perfection. The English love casseroles, and need I say, where pasta comes from?

Must-haves: Curry Powder, Chili Powder, Paprika, Adobo, Cumin, Sazón with Achiote

All it takes is a simple ‘spice stash’ in your kitchen to convert any of your meals into something extra tasty.

Below, I’ve listed spices and pantry items I ALWAYS have in stock. They are divided by country, continent, or culture. This will make it easier for you to take inventory and start thinking of your next home-cooked meal. Store-bought or homemade, you can be sure these will make it unforgettable! Don’t stop scrolling down…

“Spice Hack”

If you feel like you are not ready to experiment with your spice rack just yet, check out my friend, south Florida renowned chef, and Gordon Ramsay alum (Hell’s Kitchen season 13) Fernando Cruz.

He’s spent years trying to ‘hack’ his way into elevating the way we cook at home and created every home cook’s salvation and SPICE HACK!

Sold online and FREE shipping with code: ONEHACKAWAY

Let them know you heard about Spice Hack first through Pensacola Mom Collective!


Doubts about the ratio? Start with ONE teaspoon of the spice, dried herb, or condiment of choice and go from there until you reach your desired flavor.

FYI: SPICING up your food does not mean making it hotter…it means adding flavor and bringing it to life!

You can never have enough spices in your pantry!


Notice that many of the spices listed can be used in more than one type of cuisine!

So, if you ask me:

I travel with: Adobo and Sazón

I can’t live without: Cumin, Soy Sauce, and Capers.

Secret ingredient in most meals: Beer and Wine

Though I’m a ‘SPICE GIRL,’ no pun intended, I am a believer of “fresh is best.” Later on, I will elaborate on all things “Fresh Herbs.”

What is your go-to SPICE? Comment below or on Facebook


P.S: My thoughts and recommendations expressed are to demonstrate how I’ve learned to elevate my cuisine (on my own) without having any culinary education. The above-mentioned is what I use on a daily basis, and have yet to disappoint any “clients” (kids, friends, and family). If you really want to see what happens in the kitchen of a MOM on the run, stay tuned to Pensacola MOM Collective and follow me @frommykitchentotheworld on FB and @frommykitchentotheworldllc .
Kairym Lisch
Kairym was born and raised in Puerto Rico and has spent her entire life immersed in different cultures. She is multilingual (Spanish, English, German, basic French) and has lived in 10 different states and countries. After her husband's active duty service in the Air Force was completed (2015), they decided to set roots in Pensacola with their two children, Juliana (12) and Marco (9). Kairym loves to travel abroad, go to the beach, dance, paddleboard, brunch, cook, and entertain. But what she loves most is dedicating her time and energy to her husband and kids. She is the CEO of her family, and no matter how crazy mom life gets, she always finds time to whip up nice dinners from scratch. You can follow her culinary adventures @frommykitchentotheworld on Facebook or Instagram at Frommykitchentotheworldllc.


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