Tag: family

Hang On, Mom Zombies

Mom conference! What are we doing? More specifically, what am I doing? Who am I? I don’t even know what my purpose is anymore. What month...

Supporting New(ish) Parents Outside the Baby Registry

Gift-giving to welcome a new baby can be so much fun! But if the parent’s registry is sold out or they are welcoming their...

Take a Hike! A Guide to Hiking with Children

Hiking is one of our favorite things to do as a family. When I share that with people, it evokes a wide variety of...

Boy Mom: Burps, Farts, Hugs, and Kisses

It's 6:30 am, and I am halfway done with my first cup of coffee. As I stand in the kitchen putting together breakfast, lunches,...

New Year Reflections vs Resolutions

This year, I am choosing not to create a resolution for the sake of a new year. I am a champion for goal-setting, self-improvement,...

Motherhood: A Quick Perspective

I’m tired. Aren’t you? Some are talking about Covid fatigue. I believe it. But this is something else. The usual mom fatigue. Though, I suppose...

Turkey or No Turkey – We Are Feasting!

TURKEY or no TURKEY this year, we will FEAST! The holiday season is officially here! We have lots to make up for now that "cov-ending"...

Pensacola’s Offbeat Kid-Friendly Restaurants

Dining out is one of my all-time favorite things to do. But sharing my love for the food scene with my littles isn’t always...

Mom on Strike

It may not look like your standard picket line, but this mom is officially on strike. Don't believe me? Just watch as I pick up all...

National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day

September 13 is "National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day." A little backstory about me, I grew up in South Georgia; this is an important...