Supporting New(ish) Parents Outside the Baby Registry

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supporting new parents. Expecting parents holding pregnant belly

Gift-giving to welcome a new baby can be so much fun! But if the parent’s registry is sold out or they are welcoming their second (or fifth) bundle of joy, you may be wondering what they really need. If you’re looking for a different way to support new(ish) parents, we’ve curated a list of special ideas that will surely uplift during this precious time. 


Doulas are an absolute godsend for parents. These special people typically teach birthing classes, assist with creating a birth wish list, and provide extensive support during labor. Doulas also offer support after birth including lactation consulting, postnatal care, and even sibling care services! Parents will thank you endlessly for adding this abundance of help to their village. Check out Belly to Cradle, L.L.C. for more information. 

Sleep Consultant 

Unless they are blessed with one of those mythical babies that immediately sleeps 12 hours a night, sleep is surely going to be at the top of any new parent’s wishlist. Even as someone who has read many, many baby books on sleep, I found myself hiring a sleep consultant after having trouble with my second child. Their expertise and not-so-sleep-deprived perspective can tailor a plan of attack and give sleepy parents what they need most. Check out The Cradle Coach for more information, and be sure to follow their Instagram page for tons of free tips! 

Home & Pet Services 

I burst with lols when I think back to my maternity leave to-do list. Not only did the home projects and series of hobbies (I legitimately thought I would learn to sew) remain untouched, I barely found the time to shower. Take some weight off of the parent’s shoulders and offer a service gift for those first few weeks home. House cleaning and organizing (check out Tracey’s Organized Cleaning and Remodeling), dog walking, and lawn services will all be deeply appreciated. 


As a nursing mama, I was always starving but barely had the cognition to prepare a bowl of cereal. On more occasions than I’m proud of, members of my family would walk into the kitchen to find me apocalyptically spooning peanut butter into my mouth straight from the jar. Help parents out by offering to bring dinner. Better yet, organize a Meal Train to cover more ground.  If you’re further away, consider shipping a delicious meal like these pot pies or a pack of smoothies from Daily Harvest. New parents will be overwhelmed with gratitude when they no longer have to raid the nonperishables like rabid raccoons. 

Subscription Box

If you know the baby has enough wubba-nubs to last several generations, consider a toy or book subscription that will send something new every month or so! We adore Little Feminist Book Club which curates diverse reads to enjoy. Equal Opportunity Book Box will ship a new batch of books each month and also donate the same to schools who need it most. The Lovevery Playkits are on the pricier side but deliver beautiful heirloom-quality toys according to the baby’s developmental stage along with play guides. With a recurring gift like this, you’ll really enhance the family’s quality time spent together. 

Gifts Just for Mom & Dad

Everyone gets so excited to buy those adorable, teensie-tiny baby clothes that mom and dad often get overlooked. Surely a fitting omen of things to come. But you can be the MVP who remembers they still exist! You won’t go wrong with a spa gift card, a new coffeemaker, a massager, or cozy loungewear

If the above ideas don’t seem to fit the bill, an offer of help will always be a wonderful gift to support new parents. And if they are like me and have trouble asking for or accepting help, suggesting something specific is much more likely to be seized than a general offer.

Think: a load of laundry, cleaning up a specific room, taking a sibling for an outing, or coming over at a certain time so they can rest or shower. Even just bringing a coffee and a listening ear can really brighten a stagnant, postpartum day. 

In close, these parents in your life are lucky to have you! Being there to celebrate and support them during this time is the very best gift you can offer.

Cori Lojo
Cori was born and raised in the Chicago suburbs, met her Pensacola native husband during college in Gainesville, and also called Tallahassee and D.C. home before moving to Pensacola in 2015. With a passion for public service, she recently started a non-profit law firm which focuses on bringing more affordable legal services to those with modest means. She and her husband circle around three, toddler-aged, incredible daughters. While sleep and free-time are limited, they are enjoying this busy season of life with littles. Cori enjoys making to-do lists that never get completed, happy hour, reading, and spending time with her family, preferably with coffee.


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