Hurricane Preparedness Guide

All products featured are specifically selected by our team. When you purchase something through our retail links, Pensacola Mom Collective may earn an affiliate commission.

Whether you are a native Floridian or new to the area, when June 1st arrives, the panic sets in.

It is officially HURRICANE SEASON!

Do you have everything you need in the event a storm enters the Gulf?

Living in the Pandhandle, we must be prepared for anything. Pensacola Mom Collective and our friends at Climate Control of Pensacola, bring you our Hurricane Preparedness Guide with all the essentials you need for Hurricane Season.

Climate Control of Pensacola

Climate Control of Pensacola Inc. is your local service provider for all HVAC needs, ranging from major commercial appliances to general heating and air conditioning services.

Since 1977, Climate Control of Pensacola Inc. has installed, repaired, and maintained major residential and commercial appliances throughout the Florida Panhandle and parts of Alabama.

House Essentials

GENERATOR– Don’t wait on this. When the time comes, and you NEED it, they are hard to come by.

Hurricane Prep

Solar Shower Bag

Back Up Chargers/Portable Chargers

Battery Operated Box Fans

Hurricane Prep




Hurricane Prep



Battery-Operated Flameless Candles (If you have lots of dogs, cats or little kids in the house. This is a safer option.)

AM/FM Radio

Hurricane Prep

Power Inverter Car Adapter

First Aid Kit

First My Family All-in-One 4-Person, 72-Hour Bug Out Bag Emergency Survival Kit for Family

Hurricane Prep


French Press Coffee Maker

Hurricane Prep

Can Opener

Day Kit Complete with: Body Wipes, Bug Spray, Sunscreen, Liquid IV, Advil

Solar Lantern & Phone Charger

Glow Sticks

Cooling Towels

Food Essentials

This is important!

Think about you’re power being out for weeks on end and what you would need to get by.

  • Peanut butter/Jelly
  • Bread
  • Tuna Fish
  • Chicken in the can
  • Crackers
  • Chips
  • Granola Bars
  • Dry Cereal
  • Shelf Stable Milk
  • Powdered Milk
  • Canned Fruit
  • Nuts
  • Dried Fruits
  • Applesauce
  • Oatmeal
  • Honey
  • Canned Beans
  • Protein Bars and Drinks
  • Liquid IV/ Powdered Drinks
  • Bottled Water

Garage/Outdoor Essentials

Craftsman Chainsaw

Hurricane Prep

Tie Down Kits


Hurricane Prep

Cooler (that can hold ice for more than 72 hours)

Gas Cans

Hurricane Prep

Gas Grill

Baby Essentials

  • Formula
  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Baby Food Pouches
  • Medication that might be needed
  • Gallon Water Jugs for Formula or any other items where fresh water could be needed
  • Portable Fan

Fun Things To Do Without Power

Playing games as a family can be a fun way to pass the time without power! Who knows, maybe it’s something you can continue even after wifi is restored? 


A Few More Helpful Tips From Our Team:

    • Do ALL the laundry before a storm comes. You will have plenty of time to fold during and after. But you don’t want to be stressing about being low on underwear in the midst of everything else!

    • Keep a home essentials binder with birth certificates, important insurance information, appraisals, inventory lists, etc.

    • Have CASH on hand in case all the banks are closed.

    • Fill up ALL your cars with gas.

    • Have emergency GO bags (with clothes and other essentials like toothbrushes/paste) for you and your family in the event you are leaving in the last hours or are forced to evacuate.

    • Make sure to fill prescription medication.

    • Put Meds and Rx meds in a plastic bag or plastic box that is waterproof etc. (think Insulin, Epi-pen, daily medications for elderly, children, and yourself).

    • Don’t forget about your pets. Make sure they have a collar on, enough food, and plenty of water.

    • Freeze water in zip-lock freezer bags and two-liter soda jugs.

    • Fill coolers up with ice.

    • Fill the bathtub with water so you can flush toilets after the storm.

    • Take pictures of ALL important documents, of your house inside and outside, and store them on the cloud.

    • Bring in all outdoor furniture, trampolines, toys, and any other items that could become projectiles.

For more information you can visit the City of Pensacola website here: Flooding and Hurricane Preparedness | City of Pensacola, Florida Official Website

Did we forget an essential that you need our readers to know?

We want our readers to HAVE EVERYTHING THEY NEED. Partnering with us allows your business greater visibility with a large targeted market of local families. Join us and help enrich the lives of Pensacola Moms!

Jane Lauter
Jane was born and raised in Pensacola, left in her teens for school and returned 12 years later with her husband, Pete. They have two kids, Jack (12) & Sabel (8). Jane can often be found wearing many hats in her daily life. She is the proud co-owner and co-founder of Pensacola Mom Collective, President of The Kugelman Family Foundation & CEO of her household. She is passionate about family, friends, and the Pensacola community. She has embraced her role as a mom but feels compelled to help other moms in this journey of parenthood. When she’s not out and around town, volunteering with Rally Pensacola, Covenant Hospice- My Wish, Sacred Heart Foundation Board, Pensacola's Finest Foundation or playing Uber driver to her kids (her favorite role) she can be found with her family on the boat, at the beach or in the countryside. Her family loves to stay active, wake up early (chosen only by the kids), travel, and enjoy all Pensacola has to offer. Pete and Jane enjoy teaching their children about life through activities, being involved, and doing things in community. They have a special place for the people and businesses of Pensacola and are always doing their best to support everyone. Find her on Instagram (@jmlauter) or contact her via email at [email protected]


  1. […] June is a great time to get your list together so that if/when something starts stirring up, you only have a few details left to worry about. Go through your daily needs like formula, diapers, pet food, and of course, snacks. The general rule of thumb is a gallon of water per day per person/pet and enough supplies to last two weeks. Fortunately, you can always use water and snacks after hurricane season if you don’t end up needing them (please, 2021, don’t let us need them!) […]


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