The beach with little ones can seem like a daunting adventure. I am sharing four key tips and tricks, along with the beach essentials needed to make your trip enjoyable and stress-free. As a Pensacola native, I have grown up...
  More than likely, if you are reading this blog post, you have children that are about to start school. No matter what age, pre-k to high school (maybe even college), getting back into a routine of going to school...
This year, the decisions we are facing regarding sending kids back to school are not easy. With COVID-19 worries, we have to hope we are making the best choices for our family whether that is brick & mortar school,...
Did y’all ever get the occasional Sunday Fun Day in before kids? It was this delicious, snuck-in extra bit of freedom and fun. Whether we went to the driving range, had dinner with friends, or stopped by a beer garden,...
A trip to the park is one of my favorite things. Starting a family, I thought about how much time I wanted to spend at the park letting my children play. Having my first child, all we needed was...
Here it is another evening forty-five minutes before dinner, and my boys thunder down the stairs singing, "Mom, we're hungry!" I remember my mother's words growing up, "no snacking because you'll ruin your dinner." Of course, I echo that sentiment, and it...
Today was day forty-bazillion of quarantine. And that would make it the forty-bazillionth day in a row that everyone’s tensions were running just a little bit high from just a little too much togetherness. I couldn’t make it two...
  On May 29, my family moved into a new home.  Fourteen days later,  I spent the weekend cleaning out my momma's house in preparation for her move to Pace, Florida. Due to her moderate dementia, she was unable to...
By the time you read this post, this trip will have come and gone, but I am about to head out on my second major road trip with a toddler in tow. A toddler who feels the same way...



In + Around Pensacola

Guide to Fish Fry Fridays in Pensacola

Thank COD, it’s Friday! As Mardi Gras fades away along with our last bite of King Cake, the arrival of Ash Wednesday signals the beginning...

Pensacola Date Night Guide