Anne Frances MacDonald

Anne Frances MacDonald
Anne Frances MacDonald is the Acquisition Director for Indigo River Publishing and an author. Anne enjoys being able to support other authors through her position, bringing people's words to the world. Prior to working in publishing, Anne was a Special Education Teacher for the Escambia County School District for thirteen years. Working with kids allowed her to support her children and the community through education. She has been married for fourteen years and has two boys, ages eight and ten, both of whom keep her busy. As a working mother, she has many roles. Three years ago, she added published author to her list, publishing her first novel, A Lost Woman. Since then, she has published her second novel, The Blood Inside Me and is currently working on the next installment in the series. Throughout her many careers, she has always been dedicated to supporting others and her community.

Being a Soccer Mom and a Soccer Coach

Gone are the days of getting home and pouring that glass of wine, sitting outside on a nice day, and just unwinding after a long day at work. The kids play in the neighborhood,...

How I Got Published

I've always equated writing and publishing my first novel to being in a relationship; new and exciting in the beginning, filled with hard work and feelings of insecurities in the middle, only to end...

Back to School Checklist

How are we here already? Is it really time to go back to school? While the summer was filled with late mornings, lazy days, and, admittedly, too much technology time, it is time to accept...

Pensacola Fishing Guide: Where to Go

As the sun melts on the horizon, rays of sunlight sparkle across the smooth water. The world (and my mind) are silent here for a brief moment in time as relaxation washed over my...

Fishing With Your Family: Everything You Need to Know

As I watch my son diligently working away at organizing his tackle box preparing for our next fishing adventure, I hear him say, “You always need string, so when your line breaks, you can...
violence in the media

Discussing Violence in the Media With Young Children

In today’s world of technology at our fingertips, our children are often exposed through multiple social media outlets to the growing violence in our society. Each time I attempt to watch the news, I...
What Did I Do Good Today?

“What Did I Do Good Today?”

"What did I do good today?" This is a question my son asks every night as part of his bedtime routine. Each night as I pull the curtain on the day, I allow my son...
family game night

How Family Game Night Brought Us Together

Over a year ago, my husband expressed to me that he “felt like a bad parent.” He didn't feel as if he was getting any quality time with our children because it seemed like...

Surviving E-learning … well, trying…

Tis’ the season for another round of e-learning … Probably not what most of you mammas wanted or expected this holiday season. Unfortunately, virtual education requires us as parents to play a more active...

Lost Memories of a Pandemic

As 2020 begins to come to a close, I can’t help but think of the lost memories over the last eight months in which our country has been in the fierce, painful grip of...