Anne Frances MacDonald

Anne Frances MacDonald
Anne Frances MacDonald is the Acquisition Director for Indigo River Publishing and an author. Anne enjoys being able to support other authors through her position, bringing people's words to the world. Prior to working in publishing, Anne was a Special Education Teacher for the Escambia County School District for thirteen years. Working with kids allowed her to support her children and the community through education. She has been married for fourteen years and has two boys, ages eight and ten, both of whom keep her busy. As a working mother, she has many roles. Three years ago, she added published author to her list, publishing her first novel, A Lost Woman. Since then, she has published her second novel, The Blood Inside Me and is currently working on the next installment in the series. Throughout her many careers, she has always been dedicated to supporting others and her community.

School is Okay

Last year I walked my son to his kindergarten class on the first day of school. Our fingers curled tightly together as we both felt anxious. As we approached the door, I could feel...

Trapped Behind ADHD

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) impacts a person’s ability to focus, control emotions, and control impulsive behavior. Check, check, and check. My son, almost eight years old, was given this diagnosis when he was six years old. Many...

The Beauty Found in Crisis Mode

I am currently living through a "Coronacane" (that’s a pandemic mixed with a hurricane - trust me, it’s not a drink you want). After months of being isolated in our homes, which in retrospect is...

Call to Arms: Returning to School

As we reach the pinnacle of this pandemic, both in physical sickness and mental exhaustion, a new debate is forming. Should our children return to school, even with the growing health risk? Should we even...