Eleven years ago, I silently wandered the halls of Yad Vashem, which is one of the world’s most renowned Holocaust museums. Located in Israel, this memorial holds a record of the atrocities that occurred throughout Europe during the reign of...
magic hour

The Magic Hour

It is 4:26 in the morning. The only light in the house is coming from my computer, and the only sounds are from the tapping of the keys. This is my "Magic Hour." Wikipedia describes the "Magic Hour" as the period...
I grew up not hating my city but ready to embark on greener pastures and seldom look back. I longed for adventure and to experience life with seasons, less humidity, and more terrain. A typical teen who thought, “I...
We have new neighbors. They have been building their house throughout the pandemic. We watched every step and had the pleasure through most of the quarantine and summer to have their boys visit our boys almost every day. The night before...
It's National Chili Day! What a perfect day to say “hello” to the few short weeks of, what we Floridians call “winter,” by adding this yummy white chicken chili to your weekly dinner rotation.  My husband loves tomato-based chili (even though...
My kids love to watch YouTube videos of other kids playing with toys… Me: What are you watching? Charlotte (age 6): A video of a boy building a Lego castle Me: Why don’t you actually play with Legos rather than watch...
I grew up a practicing Methodist in rural southeast Texas and southwest Louisiana. I never attended anything "Mardi Gras" in my formative years. In fact, I cannot remember learning about it until my junior year in high school. (when...
Celebrate Valentine's Day and make your other half fall 'head over heels' in love from the comfort of your own kitchen! I thought that once romance came into my life, I would look forward to Valentine’s day. Giant stuffed...
If you have mastered the "Quick Purge" and you're ready to devote MANY hours (or even a weekend) to purging more of your house, then keep reading! The "Great Purge" or the "Long Purge" is when you have a few...
Over a year ago, my husband expressed to me that he “felt like a bad parent.” He didn't feel as if he was getting any quality time with our children because it seemed like we were always disciplining them...



In + Around Pensacola

Guide to Fish Fry Fridays in Pensacola

Thank COD, it’s Friday! As Mardi Gras fades away along with our last bite of King Cake, the arrival of Ash Wednesday signals the beginning...

Pensacola Date Night Guide