There is a lifetime of lessons to be learned, many of which I am still learning. As your mom, I want to teach you the lessons that life offers and instill in you the confidence to always be yourself. Whether you are six, sixteen, or sixty always hold these lessons close to your heart.
Chase Your Dreams But Listen To Your Gut
Chase all your dreams. The silly ones, the serious ones, and even the ones that scare you a little. Not all of your dreams will come true but chase them anyway – because that’s half the fun! Don’t be afraid to learn the lessons that mistakes will teach you.
There will be many roads offered in life. Choose the path that makes you happy, not the one everyone else is walking. Their journey is not yours. Walk your own path in life and never be afraid to choose a new one when you need to.
When facing a decision, listen to your gut. It’s telling you something you need to hear. Make big decisions with careful consideration and know there will be times of regret over a decision you have made. You are not defined by a mistake or poor decision. Keep your chin up and move on.
Know Your Worth
Your opinion and beliefs matter. Never let anyone quiet your voice or spirit. It’s ok to say “no” with confidence and without guilt…never be afraid to say no! Know when to walk away.
Never let someone else convince you to do what you know is wrong. Don’t allow others to manipulate or guilt you into doing things you aren’t comfortable with. Do the right thing even when no one is watching simply because it’s the right thing to do.
Set boundaries for how you allow others to treat you and don’t settle for less than you deserve. Surround yourself with people who believe in and support you; those who are there for you in the best and worst of times. Never compare yourself to someone else. Be exactly who you are! Believe in yourself and have faith in your abilities. Love yourself first before loving someone else. Never let someone else define you who are.
Be different. Be the same. But no matter what, always be you!
Happiness Comes From Within
Happiness starts with you. You will never find it in another person. Someone else may give you happy feelings, but they will never be your happiness. Only you can do that. If it doesn’t bring you joy or passion, let it go. If it leaves you feeling broken, let it go. Walking away may be the hardest decision of your life – but it will be worth it in the long run and you will never regret it. Don’t live in the past. Make peace with today and be open to what tomorrow will bring. Make a happy life for yourself.
Your Best Is Always Enough
Life is full of choices and opportunities. There will be many roads to take. Some roads are smoother than others. There are twists, curves, bumps, and some roads may be completely broken. You will feel overwhelmed at times. Don’t beat yourself up. Shake it off. Take your time. Never rush a decision just to make a decision. Pray about it, sleep on it, and give it time.
You will be your own worst enemy at times. We are often our harshest critics. Forgive yourself often and easily.
Don’t wallow in self-pity or feel defined by a mistake. I am here for all of your successes and failures; to cheer you on in life and to watch you make this life your own.
There is nothing you could ever do or say to change the love I have for you. You make me proud simply by being you.
Invest In Yourself
Take the time to do what makes you happy, that keeps you feeling your best. Self-care isn’t selfish…it’s necessary. Your mental and emotional health are just as important as your physical health. Get some sunshine every day. Eat good foods. Drink water. Get good rest. Keep a journal. Count your blessings. Don’t be afraid of self-reflection.
Be a constant work in progress. We are never finished being who we are meant to be. Treat yourself well. Forgive yourself often. Make yourself a priority. You are your greatest investment.
Make the Moments Count
This life goes by fast. We never know how many moments we are guaranteed in life. Make the hug a little tighter, embrace a little longer, and say I love you first. Never assume someone else knows the way you feel about them. Take the time to tell them. Don’t live in regret and never go to bed angry.
Put your phone down and make conversation. Enjoy the scenery and take it all in. Live in the real world more than the virtual one. Find your village and love your tribe. Read the book before you watch the movie. Smile first. Laugh a little louder. Always be a little kinder than you have to be. Be a good friend.
And Finally…
Above everything else, I want you to know that you are my greatest blessings. There is no greater joy in my life than being your mother and there is no greater love than the love I have for you.