Kirsten Burton
Helping Cancer Patients
Everyone knows someone that has cancer or has gone through cancer.
Did you know there are more than 200 types of cancers? Each month Awareness is brought to various kinds of cancer.
October is Breast Cancer...
Fall Crafts With the Family
Fall has to be my second favorite season after Christmas.
A friend in college would decorate her entire apartment with fall decor. I did not know people decorated for fall because we only decorated for...
Learning to Take Compliments May Help Your Child’s Self-Confidence
Self-Confidence can be defined as a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment.
As a mom, sometimes the reflections I have about myself seem to seep out onto my kids.
A few years ago,...
Your Biopsy Results Are Back
"Your biopsy results are back..."
A scary phrase no one wants to hear, but unfortunately a phrase many will hear at least once in their lifetime.
My journey begins winter of 2020 also known as pre-Covid....
Tax Tips for Moms (and Dads)
I’m a Certified Public Accountant with a Master’s Degree in Taxation from Florida State University. This tax season is my 23rd year preparing taxes. Every year, I wait until the end of the year...
Saying No to Your Children
Do you know most people find it hard to tell their children no? I know I have a difficult time. My husband does not.
A few weeks ago, my six-year-old son came up to me,...
Living With an Invisible Illness
She looks normal.
Why doesn't she participate?
Why is her husband the one taking the kids to school every day?
She's overweight; she can't be suffering from a gastro issue.
She's lucky she married someone that would take...
Seasons of Life: Best Friends for Each Season
I remember being picked on when I was younger.
During those times, I would look around at all the girls that had a lot of friends and dream about the day I would have a...
Laundry Tips for the Everyday Mom
Okay, let’s be honest. If you don’t have a load of laundry in your dryer going for the 5th cycle or a basket full of clean laundry, you probably can skip this article.
But. If...
Financial Tips for Teenagers
Have you ever looked back on life and wish you could go back and tell your younger self something? If so, what would you tell yourself as a teenager?
I tell people daily I...