Hey Mommy, Don’t Forget to Be Safe!


It is 8:00 p.m. and I just realized I am out of strawberry milk for my son who has to have it in his lunch box, or one of the children has just reminded me they need something for school TOMORROW. You know, like crazy socks or and a particular color shirt because it is another week of something (i.e., literacy week, kindness week, Dr. Seuss week, etc.).

So, what do we do as moms? Jump in the car and go to the store quickly to ensure everything is covered!

Just like that, we haven’t thought of our safety and what it would mean to our family if that simple, quick errand ended up with us in a dangerous situation.

As a Victim’s Advocate, I know how a simple decision or being distracted by our lengthy to-do list can leave us vulnerable. Yet I sometimes forget to do those simple things to will help keep my family and me safe.

With the expertise of Lieutenant Jimmy Donohue of the Pensacola Police Department, I’ve put together a few simple tips, to help keep us safe.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

The number one thing is to ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings. Do not look at your phone while you are out. Our phones have become a big distraction, so do your best to change that. Pay attention to who is in front of you, who may be behind you, and what cars are nearby. Be aware of anyone who may be sitting in a parked car and watching you. It does not matter if you are in your car, at the mall, grocery shopping, out with the kids, or running errands. Do your best to take mental notes about who and what is around you.

Use “The Buddy System”

I know it is already a hassle to fit in that quick run to the store but bring a friend along if you can. Drag your husband to help with the bulk shopping trip and promise not to bother him anymore more that day (yeah, right!). Or bring the kids with you. It will be perfectly fine if they are not on their best behavior; at least you are not alone and left vulnerable. There is safety in numbers, or as the saying goes, “The more, the merrier!”

Your Purse

Now for the beautiful bag that carries so much of your life and your family’s life…yep, that purse! No matter how much it cost or what is inside, do not leave it on the seat or floor of your car. If you do not take it in to the store with you, place it where it cannot be seen (in the trunk of your car or under the seat).

When you are alone and get out of your car to pump gas, lock the doors and make sure your purse is not sitting on the seat where it could easily be taken from the opposite side of the car.

If you place your purse in the shopping cart, strap it in with the baby strap, which will delay/hinder it from being quickly snatched.

Break Up Your Routine

Take an alternate route home, go for a run/exercise at different times, leave home for work a little later/earlier. Never allow someone to be able to watch you and always know what comes next.

Your Keys as a Weapon

Everything is automatic nowadays, so we do not use our keys as much. However, if you have keys, keep them in your hand while you are out. They become an automatic weapon. If you are attacked, use them to go for the eyes. Even if you do not have keys, always go for the eyes. That is a weak spot that does not take a lot of strength to cause hurt to an attacker.

Call 911

Last but most importantly, if your child ever disappears while you are out, do not hesitate to call 911. There is no 24-hour wait to report a missing child. Call IMMEDIATELY! Officers do not mind finding them if they are hiding from you in the closet under a load of dirty laundry. Officers are great at “hide and seek” because they know all the good hiding spots to check and do not mind helping you look for your little one.

All of this goes back to being aware. Do not be ashamed of doing what it takes to be safe. Your entire family needs you. More importantly, they love you, and who else do we trust to do what we do? Nobody, not even Dad!

So let’s stay safe, Mommies, by putting these simple safety tips in place!

Tara Spencer
Tara was born and raised in Pensacola, Florida. She married her husband, Gamal, in 2002 and they have three wonderful children (Raiden, Christian, and Zara). Tara is a graduate of Pensacola State College and Troy University with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Business. She is the Victim’s Advocate with the Pensacola Police Department that puts to use her natural ability and desire to help others. Tara is an active member of the finer women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Gamma Tau Zeta Chapter in Pensacola which keeps her active in the community along with her amazing Sorority Sisters. She enjoys traveling with her family and also enjoys a good girls trip. She and her family also enjoy playing games. Nothing is more serious at the Spencer house than a deck of UNO cards!


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