Tag: pregnancy

{You’re Invited} Bloom 2023 :: An Event for New and Expecting...

You’re invited to: BLOOM: An Event for New and Expecting Moms Saturday, April 15 presented by: Studer Family Children's Hospital & KIA Autosport Pensacola   Pensacola Mom Collective...

Pregnancy After Loss

For many, pregnancy is a time when everything is special and exciting. But for those who find themselves pregnant after experiencing a loss, there...

Outlasting the Two-Week Wait

Waiting on a baby is tough. When I set a goal, I have to meet it. Making babies proved to be no exception. I...

Pregnancy Loss and Infertility: Our Silent Journey

"When are you having another one?" "When is your daughter going to be a big sister?" "Ready for #2?"Β Or the best one of all,...

2021 Bloom Event RECAP

We were overjoyed to bring our very first BLOOM event to Pensacola! We are grateful to our sponsors, speakers, and our PMC team members...

Less Than a Day

Once in a while, something brings the shortness of life into full focus. Maybe it’s a tragic accident or a health scare. For us,...

{You’re Invited} Bloom 2021 :: A Virtual Event for New and...

Pensacola Mom Collective is thrilled to announce that we, along with our Title Sponsor, Studer Children's Hospital at Ascension Sacred Heart, will host β€œBloom...

I Am Woman, Hear Me ROAR!

After this last year of tumult, what could possibly become the silver lining? If you live on the panhandle of Florida, we didn’t only weather...

This Was Not Our Plan, but It’s GRAND!

β€œLook at my new tattoo!”  This was the text message I sent to my sisters and niece. I had just gotten a heart tattoo with...

Surviving the Wait of Infertility: A Letter to My Former Self

Dear Self, You are heartbroken right now. There was yet another negative pregnancy test result. You just received the news from your kind, almost apologetic...