Tag: nonprofit
An Introduction to Fiesta Pensacola
"To celebrate our heritage, promote tourism, and build pride in Pensacola through festive activities which enhance the quality of life in our community."
Fiesta Pensacola,...
Non-Profit Spotlight: Autism Pensacola
According to the CDC's latest study (2020), 1 in 54 children are on the autism spectrum, up from 1 in 88 in 2010. Once...
Digging Deep: Becoming An Active Citizen (In A Way That Makes...
In some way, we all want to do something in our community that has a meaning, purpose, and reach. Our ideas can often be...
Nonprofit Spotlight: Rally Foundation Pensacola
Did you know that kids get cancer? In fact, every two minutes, a child is diagnosed with cancer. This statistic is more than just...