Tag: infertility awareness

The Silence of Infertility: What I Wish I Knew

I had always imagined myself as a mom; the more kids, the better (well, maybe four kids, not a dozen!). As a teenager, I...

Infertility: Searching For Answers When There Is No Explanation

From the earliest days of our relationship, my husband Bryan and I knew we wanted to have children and often talked about how excited...

Pregnancy Loss and Infertility: Our Silent Journey

"When are you having another one?" "When is your daughter going to be a big sister?" "Ready for #2?"Β Or the best one of all,...

Surviving the Wait of Infertility: A Letter to My Former Self

Dear Self, You are heartbroken right now. There was yet another negative pregnancy test result. You just received the news from your kind, almost apologetic...

The Day I Lost It in Walmart

There I was, standing in a long line at the Walmart pharmacy with a prescription for $1,000 worth of fertility drugs. I remember it...