Tag: anxiety

Is It Safe to Take Anxiety Medicine When Pregnant?

Deciding whether to take antidepressants during pregnancy is a complex and deeply personal choice. 1 in 10 pregnant individuals experience depression, according to the...

Inside Out 2: A Journey Through the Teen Brain and Beyond

With the first Inside Out film, I couldn’t imagine how Disney Pixar could make sense of, much less create entertainment out of, the processes...

Autism + Anxiety + Puberty :: My Challenging Era

{Subtitle: "Where is my sweet boy, and what have you done with him?"} Sixteen years ago, our family began celebrating Autism Awareness Month shortly after...

My Daughter Has a Mental Health Diagnosis

What I said: "Sometimes, you just can't do what is only best for you." But society says: "Always choose you first." "Always make yourself a priority." "If Mama isn't...

The Struggle of Being a Doer

Living a balanced life while in service to others. "Hello, my name is Hannah, and I'm a doer." I've often imagined an AA-type support group...

Discussing Violence in the Media With Young Children

In today’s world of technology at our fingertips, our children are often exposed through multiple social media outlets to the growing violence in our...

Paralyzed by Postpartum Anxiety

Sometimes I see a woman in passing and do a double-take because, for a split second, I thought it was her. I turn my...

Adulting Merit Badge: Seeing a Therapist

I’ve been a writer for years. I usually write about things that are sentimental and heartwarming, and mostly in a way that is humorous....