Hi Ho, Hi Ho…It’s Back to the Office We Go

In March of 2020, I left my office one evening, expecting to return a week or two later. A week turned into a month. And a month turned into a year which turned into…


Despite the unfortunate events that caused me to shift from in-office work to a remote work environment, I have loved being able to work from home these last two years. I’ve loved working at home in my cozy little office. As a wife and mother, I’ve loved having more flexibility in my day. And most of all, I have NOT missed the morning traffic in Pensacola.

In a way, you can say that I’ve been spoiled being able to work from home.

In the last few months, many companies have begun transitioning their employees back to in-office work in some capacity. Some places require employees to return to the office full-time, while other places are transitioning to a “hybrid” work environment where employees are required to work at the office for an allotted number of days per month.

At first, I dreaded going back to the office. I mean, who really wants to trade in comfy sweats for work pants. (Not to mention, do my work pants even fit anymore?!)

But I’ve come up with some ways to help make the transition back to the office easier.

Tips on Transitioning Back to the Office

Pack Your Work Bag the Night Before

One change for me is that I need to bring my work laptop to and from the office. I know it’s going to be a challenge for me to remember, especially with mornings being so crazy getting the girls ready for school. Making sure all of my work bag is ready to go in the morning will definitely alleviate some of the mental chaos.

Train Yourself to Wake Up Earlier

I will be the first to admit that I’ve fallen out of my 5:30 AM routine, and I’ve been waking up later and later. I’ve gotten used to only getting my girls ready in the morning. But now, I have to start accounting for myself since I can’t roll into work in my pajamas looking like a hot mess express.

Waking up and getting ready before the girls makes life a whole lot easier on the days that I have to go into the office. I’m not as rushed, and I can usually beat the traffic, which is a huge plus.

Grab a Coffee

I don’t know what it is, but there’s just something about stopping at one of our local coffee places to grab a coffee before work. Somehow, it makes the morning much sweeter.

Find a Podcast, an Audiobook, or Some Music to Listen to on Your Commute

Once the kids are dropped off at school or childcare, and I’m on my own, I love listening to podcasts or audiobooks. It makes the morning (and afternoon) commute across town so much more bearable!

Take Advantage of Being Out of the House

I know, I know. I just said how much I loved being at home. But you also have to understand that once I’m home after a long day, I’m done. I don’t want to go out and run to Publix or even Target.

For me, I have to strategically plan my route home. If I know that we are low on groceries, I’ll make sure to either 1) Schedule grocery pick up at BJs or Walmart so that I can pick it up and go; or 2) I’ll plan a stop at Publix for a quick grocery trip.

Sometimes I’ll meet my husband or a friend after work for dinner. If I know I’m already in town, then I’ll try to plan ahead to meet them before heading home.

Make Intentional Connections at Work

My team has changed significantly since the pandemic, and I have many co-workers who I’ve only met virtually. While it’s easy to get tied down to a desk, when possible, I’ve tried to grab lunch or (more) coffee with co-workers. I’ve enjoyed getting to know the people I’ve been working with the last couple of years, and getting to know them personally has made such a big difference in the way we all work together.

If you’re like me and are heading back to the office (or have already done so), I hope these tips help make the transition easier!

Kaycee Simpson
Kaycee is practically a Pensacola native and is also a proud first-born generation Filipino American. In 2012, Kaycee married her college sweetheart, Daniel. They now have two girls, ages 6 and 8, and an 10-year-old boxer named Carl. As a family, they enjoy trips to the pool, eating Chick-fil-A and Chipotle, and all things Christmas. In her spare time, Kaycee enjoys playing the piano, creative projects, watching Hallmark movies, nerding about the enneagram, or podcasting on Deliver Me a Podcast. Occasionally, you may also catch her writing for her blog: www.kayceesimpson.com. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter: @kaycee__simpson.



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