Announcing the Pensacola Mom Collective Book Club!

PMC Book ClubWe are thrilled to announce the

Pensacola Mom Collective Book Club!

Do you love to read?

Have you made a resolution to read more in 2021?

Do you want to connect with other area moms and talk about books? Or really, talk about anything?!?

Have you wanted to join a book club but didn’t know where to look?

Then the PMC Book Club is for you!

This is a no-pressure, laid-back, easy-going group – we promise!

We will choose a book for the group to read, and then members will have the opportunity to discuss the book, either online or in person, on a bi-monthly basis.

Our first book will be…..

Growing Boldly: Dare to Build a Life You Love by Emily Ley

Growing Boldly by Emily Ley

Emily is a Pensacola native, author, entrepreneur, wife, and mom of three young children (a 9-year-old son and 5-year-old boy-girl twins). She is also the founder of Simplified®, whose mission is to inspire and empower women with the tools they need to simplify their lives.

“Growing Boldly” releases on February 23, 2021 but can be pre-ordered on Amazon. It can also be purchased locally at Bodacious Bookstore. We plan to meet in March to discuss the book – more details to follow about the date, time, and location!

In the meantime, be sure to join our PMC Book Club Facebook group. This is where you will get updates on book selections, meeting dates, and interact with other Pensacola area moms.

So, take some time for YOU, Mama! Let’s make it a priority to read something other than “Goodnight Moon” or “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” – not that we don’t love those, but it’s always good to expand our horizons and connect with other moms!

Join us!

We look forward to reading and connecting with you!

book club


Jen Kinsella
The Navy brought Jen and her family to Pensacola in 2018 following a 3-year tour in Belgium. Born and raised in the Midwest, Jen’s career path took her to Washington, D.C., after college, where she lived until she married her husband, Tim, in 2007. Balancing family and career against the backdrop of military life has made her appreciate the importance of friendships, connections, and finding your “mom tribe” wherever “home” may be. While living in Belgium, Jen took on her most challenging role to date, that of a stay-at-home-mom to her two sons, Timothy and Charlie. In this position, she has been forced to face her fear of cooking, has learned that you never “catch up” on laundry and that she continuously works longer hours for less pay! Fueled by coffee, Pure Barre, and dry shampoo, she feels like she’s “winging it” when it comes to motherhood most of the time, but couldn’t imagine a more rewarding journey. She continues to learn from her kids every day.



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