Most of my social media and PMC posts are food-related. Yes, I love to cook, and I also love to eat! Most of the pictures you see @frommykitchentotheworld are actually of my husband’s dinner plate. I am a firm...
She looks normal. Why doesn't she participate? Why is her husband the one taking the kids to school every day? She's overweight; she can't be suffering from a gastro issue. She's lucky she married someone that would take care of their kids. These are...
In honor of Juvenile Arthritis Awareness month, I had the opportunity to spend some time discussing the subject with my mother. I’ve never experienced Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) firsthand, but the further I get into motherhood, the more curious I...
Inhaling the sweet smell of her baby’s newness, a young mother cradles her baby's head in the crook of her neck. Her hand moves up, pausing for a few seconds on those sweet neck wrinkles. His head fits satisfyingly...
Lice. My head itches just saying that word out loud. Ugh...anyone else? There are many old wives' tales and superstitions about prevention and treatment. Which ones work? What is the most effective? Do you need to burn your sheets and towels?...
There’s a little secret understood by parents who have experienced a medical emergency with their children: we always need to know where the nearest pediatric hospital is located. Since 2010, I’ve noted a pediatric hospital’s proximity to homes we’ve...
Are you ready to take full control of your life? Raise your hand if, since 2021 rolled around, you’ve challenged yourself to #DryJanuary, fitness goals, diets, etc. How loyal have you been to any of these? Summer is here and...
  My husband and I just celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary. It's crazy to think about where he and I planned to be compared to where we are today. The humor is in the idea we thought we actually had control...
The American Speech and Hearing Association has dedicated May as “Better Speech and Hearing” month. To bring awareness to our children’s speech and hearing, I had a wonderful discussion with James M Coticchia, MD, a chief of pediatric otolaryngology at...
School is soon to be over, and our routines are about to change, ONCE AGAIN! I moved my kids from virtual school to ‘brick and mortar’ in mid-February which finally gave me some sense of normalcy amidst the pandemic....



In + Around Pensacola

A Mom’s Guide to Blue Angels Practice Shows

Along with our friends at Ace Unlocks of Pensacola, we are excited to bring you our Mom's Guide to Blue Angels Practice Shows! Ace Unlocks...