Amanda Macon
Teachers Unite: Know Your “Why”
Another school year is inching to a close. As we approach the end of a year of what so many are still calling "unprecedented" times, I hope this post doesn't blend in with the...
Pregnancy Loss and Infertility: Our Silent Journey
"When are you having another one?" "When is your daughter going to be a big sister?" "Ready for #2?" Or the best one of all, "Keep trying!"
These are all words and pointers no one going...
Disclaimer: A Non Pinterest-Worthy Holiday
Let’s put aside for a minute that stores seem to put all holiday merchandise out 2+ months ahead, pushing the inevitable anxiety of “should I or shouldn’t I?” when it comes to pulling the...
Reading Log for Moms: Find Your Love (And the Time) To Read Again
The kids are in bed. The dishes are done. Lunches are packed. It’s time to unwind with a good book…
“If it were only this simple?” Isn’t that what you’re thinking?
So how do we go...