Pensacola Mom Collective Goes to Monster Jam

Pensacola Mom Collective would like to thank Feld Motor Sports for providing tickets for us to attend Monster Jam 2024.

Monster Truck in mid air

So, were you able to make it to Monster Jam 2024?!

If not, be sure to add it to your list for the next time they are in town! My husband and I took our 4-year-old, so I got a couple of tips and a short and sweet review from his experience at the show in Pensacola last Saturday.

Tip #1: Bring Headphones or Earplugs

Yes, it’s loud, as you might’ve heard! Before we went to the show, I made sure we had a set of soundproof headphones for my kiddo, and my husband and I brought our own earbuds. If you happen to forget this part, no worries; they sold the most adorable monster truck headphones at the show!

I almost caved and got a pair for our little guy…

a little boy wearing headphones at Monster Jam 2024 in Pensacola

Tip #2: Get the Pit Party Passes!

We arrived early for the pit party, which meant we got to see the trucks at eye level and meet the drivers of our kiddos’ favorite trucks in person!

This is also a great way to get younger kids ready for the show they’re about to see – the trucks are not on during this period, so you don’t have to worry about big sounds or anything just yet. Being in the pit party, you are on the ground floor of the arena, on the dirt the trucks will be competing on, and seeing them all up close and personal is such an added bonus to the experience!

Another unexpected perk of being there early enough to join the pit party is getting to your seats first, which means you can get all the snacks and bathroom breaks out of the way before the crowd arrives (toddler moms, I know you feel me on this one).

Tip #3: Make It a Competition/Game With Your Kids!

I must admit, even as a mom whose kid is obsessed with monster trucks, I was not entirely up to speed on how Monster Jam works. If you’re new to Monster Jam, this is a competition for the drivers! There are point systems and skills these drivers perform that are incredible.

One thing I thought would be fun to do as a family that we’ll plan for next time is to pick a driver to “follow” throughout the show, keep track of their stats, and whoever’s driver wins the most points in the skills competition or ends in first place gets to pick where we go for dinner, a movie we watch that night, etc.

You can make it fun for whatever fits in your group!

Overall, the show was amazing.

The whole crowd was hyping up the drivers, and the announcers kept us all engaged with interviews and games the entire time.

One of my favorite aspects that brought even more of a family feel to Monster Jam was the generations of drivers seen in this sport. Father-son duo Jon Zimmer, Sr. and Jon Zimmer, Jr. (driver of Terminal Velocity) were both part of the show on Saturday, which I imagine is really special for them to share together.

I asked my 4-year-old for his own review of the show, and he said his favorite part was “when the Kraken truck did that BIG JUMP!”

author Amelia with her son at Monster Jam 2024 in Pensacola

Now that I’ve been to a show as a mom (and previously as a teen) I’d recommend it for the whole family – Monster Jam is a great event!


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